Shift Management

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Are you the Lord of your land?

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Free Rental Analysis

Hands down the most comprehensive rental analysis on the market, pulling data from the last 12 months to show unbiased statistics on similar properties rented in the surrounding area. Complete the short form below to request yours!

    Service Highlights

    Our goal is to make every person we work with a raving fan. The 4 main complaints we hear from clients who come to us from other companies are high maintenance costs, poor communication, bad tenant placements, and overall disorganization. Check out how SHIFT is structured to address these critical areas that play a leading role in the success of your investment

    This is by far the most contentious item in property management, plaguing landlords with frivolous expenses that kill their ROI. From inception, we’ve been adamant about not incentivizing ourselves to spend your money. Unlike most companies, our maintenance department is not a primary revenue stream, with almost all bills 100% pass-through to the vendors (aside from larger projects where we charge a 15% contracting fee). With this structure, we believe we can secure higher quality maintenance at a lower cost to you.

    There’s nothing more frustrating than an unreturned call or email. We get that… and our reviews speak for it. SHIFT has implemented systems, checks and balances to ensure you’re as informed as possible at all times (like getting notified real-time when a maintenance request is received). Trust is what keeps things running smoothly on all sides, and we understand strong communication is paramount in this business of many moving parts.

    With professional photography, leasing activity metrics, thorough screening and fast response, our leasing process is top notch. While your property is listed, our systems track every detail of interest & activity – giving us quick insight to make informed recommendations to get your property leased fast. And with an eviction rate of less than 1%, our screening process speaks for itself.

    This is one of those areas where OCD is a blessing. With acute attention to detail, almost nothing happens at SHIFT without a checklist or documented process. Systems are the life-blood of our business and create a much more reliable and consistent experience for you, the customer.

    Giving Back

    With our donation matching program, our owners and tenants have an opportunity to give a small, residual contribution every month and SHIFT matches the collective raised dollar for dollar.
    $ 0
    raised to date
    Project Open Arms
    Project Open Arms is based in Nicaragua and works with children on the streets to identify and reduce barriers to getting them back in their homes with their families, or into rehabilitation programs which can lead to longer term safe housing options.
    Well house
    Well House provides safe, affordable housing to the homeless while adapting to the needs of the client – particularly those with mental illness and addictions. Residents are supported with treatment options for their recovery and integration into the community.

    The People

    Any business is simply a reflection of the people who comprise it – and truth be told, the performance of your investment comes down to a few human beings who are talking to your tenants, dispatching vendors, communicating with the city etc. Our people are exceptional humans, and this is what makes the greatest difference.
    Sam Persons - Team Lead

    Sam Persons

    Team Lead

    Samuel Persons started SHIFT in 2013 after realizing this industry is full of snakes and fine print. Basing policy on the Golden Rule, he’s adamant about putting people over money. He’s a systems geek, loves Jesus, and has way too many cats.

    Jack Wolff - Operations Director

    Jack Wolff

    Operations Director

    Jack Wolff has the kind of heart God must have had on backorder – because not many have it. Uncompromising in kindness and integrity, he strikes the perfect balance as mediator in his challenging role as Property Manager.

    Michael Napper - Partner

    Michael Napper


    Michael Napper is an invaluable asset as consultant and broker. Since 2006, he’s bought and sold over 300 properties in 6 different states, and currently holds 130 doors in his personal portfolio between rentals and land contracts.

    Ken Napper​-Maintenance

    Ken Napper​


    Ken Napper helps in the maintenance department with a lifetime of experience and a heart of gold. He’ll take that angry tenant with feces backed up into the dining room, and turn her into our biggest fan. This man is truly a marvel.

    Miriam Zoodsma - Tenant Relations

    Miriam Zoodsma

    Tenant Relations

    Miriam Zoodsma is the quintessence of over-qualified, but we have no worries of her leaving since she’s Samuel’s mother. Owning and managing multiple properties of her own for 15 years +, she’s extremely analytical and proficient in tenant relations.

    Sam Persons - Team Lead

    Devin Seese

    Leasing Manager

    Devin Seese is the kind of person who’ll always leave you the last piece of chocolate or sacrifice his umbrella to keep you dry. With a background in project management, sales and hospitality, he makes the perfect fit as leasing manager.


    Contact us

    Drop us a line or request your free Rental Analysis Report! We’d love to learn about your situation and see if we’d be a good fit.
    701 Fulton Street W, Grand Rapids, MI 49504
    Monday – Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm
    (616) 466-7972

      Property Management Grand Rapids MI

      Grand Rapids is attracting national attention as one of the fastest growing real estate markets in the country, and quickly becoming a hub for the medical industry and small business. With that growth, housing demand greatly increases. Being in property management we’re experiencing the forefront effects of that influx as new and existing residents need rental housing.

      With one of the lowest vacancy rates in the nation, Grand Rapids is an excellent place to invest. With the higher rents, faster turnover and quality tenants that Grand Rapids is attracting, your rental property is positioned for great returns. At SHIFT, we love helping Grand Rapids landlords get the most out of their investment property.